Learn Tarot Workshop

Monthly In-Person Workshop

Third Sunday of each month 3pm-6pm (GMT)

£50pp (Group session) 

Included in the price: You receive 3hrs in-depth training plus hands-on practice, you get a new Rider Waite tarot deck to take away with you, and after the workshop you receive a PDF version of all training materials.

Advance booking and payment required: First click here to register for the session, and then make a payment to the following bank account details:  Healing Sounds Within, 40-18-00, 80836044

The workshops are in-person, and held in Artemis Wellness Business Centre, Healing Sounds Within, 2nd Floor, Berry's Arcade, Arnox House, 8-14 High Street, Rayleigh, SS6 7EQ

Tarot readings can help you in self awakening which is a critical stage in personal growth and spiritual development. Learning tarot can help you see yourself, life circumstances and the word around you in a completely different perspective that has a deeper meaning and purpose, and filled with curiosity and adventure.

This is an interactive, fun and highly upbeat workshop that full of interesting points of learning and practice. 

The workshop is designed to effectively deliver the course content and practice for complete new beginners, or it can also be appropriate for as a refresher for those who started their learning and practice a while ago but not managed to go beyond that.

Some of the key topics covered in this workshop are: 

* To find out about more beautiful events like this, join our Facebook group 'Artemis Wellness Business Centre - Rayleigh' https://www.facebook.com/groups/1191875478500859/